Alpine Housing Development Q3 Results 2025 on 16 Feb, 2025: profit rise by 128% YOY, profit at ₹1.71 crore and revenue at ₹21.52 crore

Alpine Housing Development Q3 Results 2025 on 16 Feb, 2025: profit rise by 128% YOY, profit at ₹1.71 crore and revenue at ₹21.52 crore

Alpine Housing Development Q3 Results 2025:Alpine Housing Development declared their Q3 results on 13 Feb, 2025. The topline increased by 80.54% & the profit increased by 128% YoY. Profit at 1.71 crore and revenue at 21.52 crore.

As compared to the previous quarter, the revenue grew by 128.21% and the profit increased by 228.85%. The Selling, general & administrative expenses declined by 4.55% q-o-q & increased by 18.31% Y-o-Y.

The operating income was up by 186.57% q-o-q & increased by 92% Y-o-Y. The EPS is 0.99 for Q3 which increased by 130.23% Y-o-Y.

Alpine Housing Development has delivered 0% return in the last 1 week, -17.38% return in last 6 months and -3.64% YTD return.

Currently the Alpine Housing Development has a market cap of 179.28 Cr and 52wk high/low of 194 & 93.8 respectively.

Alpine Housing Development Financials

Period Q3 (FY25) Q2 (FY25) Q-o-Q Growth Q3 (FY24) Y-o-Y Growth
Total Revenue 21.52 9.43 +128.21% 11.92 +80.54%
Selling/ General/ Admin Expenses Total 0.84 0.88 -4.55% 0.71 +18.31%
Depreciation/ Amortization 0.27 0.26 +3.85% 0.31 -12.9%
Total Operating Expense 19.6 8.76 +123.74% 10.92 +79.49%
Operating Income 1.92 0.67 +186.57% 1 +92%
Net Income Before Taxes 2.09 0.65 +221.54% 0.88 +137.5%
Net Income 1.71 0.52 +228.85% 0.75 +128%
Diluted Normalized EPS 0.99 0.3 +230% 0.43 +130.23%
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